Guy Ohrstrom - acoustic guitar
Theo Greyerz - tablas
Stig Ame Karlsson - sitar
Marcus Brandelius - sarod, ezra
Bjorn json lindh - flute
Bjorn json lindh - flute
Kenneth Armstrom - Sax
Dallas Smith - clarinet
Brullet Green - oboe
Jan Bandel - - gong

HANDGJORT - Handgjort - Acid Psychedelic Indian Folk (Sweden 1971- Silence Records SRC4602)
This is the rarest Silence albumby far,released in separately handmade cover designs.the music smells of incense , as this is an exotic fusion of indian and western music, with sitar, tablas, flutes,sarod, tambouraand acoustic guitar.This mainly instrumental music has an open air, rural feel , which was ideally suitable for the hippie festivals of the time.
This is the rarest Silence albumby far,released in separately handmade cover designs.the music smells of incense , as this is an exotic fusion of indian and western music, with sitar, tablas, flutes,sarod, tambouraand acoustic guitar.This mainly instrumental music has an open air, rural feel , which was ideally suitable for the hippie festivals of the time.

The album is most memorable for two extended tracks.
(from Scented Gardens Of The Mind , by Dag Erik Asbjornsen)
All track composed by Handgjort except the traditional ones.Recorded at Decibel Sound Studios, Stockholm, September 1970.Produced by Gran Ahlin.
(from Scented Gardens Of The Mind , by Dag Erik Asbjornsen)
All track composed by Handgjort except the traditional ones.Recorded at Decibel Sound Studios, Stockholm, September 1970.Produced by Gran Ahlin.
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